Clinical Directors Forum Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Mr Mearza recently attended the Clinical Directors Forum at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in his role as Clinical Director for Ophthalmology.
The meeting was led by the Trust’s Medical Director and Chief Executive.
The forum was an opportunity to meet the other Clinical Directors who are responsible for services across the organisation to understand the challenges each department faces as they manage World class services in an ever challenging health care environment.
The Trust is currently featured in a BBC2 documentary “Hospital” which was filmed over six weeks during 2016; Hospital is the story of the NHS in unprecedented times. The BBC were given access to Imperial’s 5 hospitals and the key decision makers within them as they make life changing decisions and work to transform and improve services for the future.
Hospital is a ground breaking documentary that goes behind the scenes of one of the largest and busiest trusts in the UK. The viewing figures are in excess of 3 million per episode and there is already talk of further series in the pipeline.
The episodes featured many of the clinical directors and it was great to get their personal take on the experience and the stories they shared.
All in all, it was a very productive meeting and it was good to get a feel of what was going in other areas of the Trust. It was also good to get together for a few drinks afterwards and share some of our experiences in a less formal environment to cap the evening off.