
Modern Slavery Statement

Updated: 3/6/2025 9:55:15 AM

Organisational Structure and supply chains


OCL London LIMITED has 3 clinics in England that provides a range of ophthalmology procedures including refractive lens exchange, laser, cataract and AMD treatments to private patients. OCL London LIMITED is a private limited company registered in England and Wales, registration number 11353298.


Further details about what we do and who we are can be found on our website.

Policies in relation to Modern Slavery and human trafficking

OCL London Limited fully supports the Government’s objectives to eradicate Modern Slavery and human trafficking and recognise the significant role that healthcare providers have to play in both combatting it and supporting victims. This includes being strongly committed to ensuring our supply chains and business activities are free from ethical and labour standards abuses. OCL London Limited would never knowingly deal with any business involved in human trafficking or slavery.


We also have a few complementary internal policies that support our commitment to eradicating Modern Slavery, such as:

  • Freedom to Speak up Whistleblowing Policy
  • Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy

Due Diligence Process

As part of our supplier on boarding process, we usually complete due diligence on these organisations. This would include a review of their modern slavery statement, their annual report published on Companies House, any modern slavery policies they may have as well as any news reports.


Risk Assessment and Management

In order to assess the risk level, we categorise our suppliers by risk category and the higher risk suppliers are requested to provide reasonable evidence or supporting materials to provide assurances. Should any concerns be raised, we would engage with the supplier to assess and fully understand any issues, work on a remedial action plan and only if the supplier is unwilling to make appropriate changes, would the contract be considered for termination. OCL London Limited has a zero tolerance approach to any modern slavery or human trafficking offences.



OCL London Limited has a base of key suppliers that we’ve been engaging with since the opening of the first clinic and we continue to operate based on trust and transparency. OCL London Limited colleagues are encouraged to discuss any concerns around modern slavery with their line manager or Head of Operations. OCL London Limited has an equality, diversity and inclusivity group which allows colleagues to further discuss concerns or to report those concerns anonymously.



We invest in appropriate training to ensure staff are aware of and able to address and respond to incidents of Modern Slavery within healthcare settings which includes annual mandatory training where required.



This statement is reviewed annually unless conditions arise that require this statement to be reviewed more frequently.


Mark Dalgarno
Head of Operations
Updated: 23rd January 2025